CancerAid App

The below case study was worked on in 2020.

Case study problem

A pharmaceutical company wanted to develop a solution to increase uptake of a particular medication for cancer patients. These patients experienced a number of pain points across the patient journey, in terms of accessing information and feeling supported.

Bearing this in mind, I designed a compelling solution for patients to feel reassured at every step of their cancer journey.

You can refer to the slides below, and scroll through the images.

Problem Statement

  • How might we improve the uptake of a particular medication for cancer patient?
  • How might we help patients who need to have access to information and feel supported during their journey?

Patients require a way to be engaged and find reliable and quality information during their treatment journey.

User Research

Proposed user research

  • Conduct interviews with patients
  • Speak to doctors and understand the disease and how patients cope with it
  • Have a chat with behavourial physcologists to gain better insights on patient behaviour
  • Understand the needs of the client, pharmaceutical company

Sample Persona

Kamala Scott | 38 yrs old, married, working professional

Kamala is a stage 2 cancer patient. She has been battling it for a while. Although she does have the have the support of her family, she is losing interest to take her medicines on time and get the prescribed treatments overtime. She is looking for some support and encouragement to fight the cancer battle!

Behaviours, Habits, Stories, Scenarios, Frustrations, Needs, Problems, Goals (this can be determined through user research when more information is available)


We believe that by creating an application with gamification, reliable information and anonymous social platform to interact we will achieve increased uptake of medication and improve patient life.

We will know this to be true when their social profile database increases and we have more virtual coins being collected.

Check out the figma prototype!